Fleazy 將會在 2010年 11月 7號 隆重登場!
You are cordially invited to this new permanent fashion bazaar place on every Sunday starting from 7th November. It will be a place for many to spend their Sundays, to grab the affordable and trendiest products and items, all under one roof!!
Fleazy 誠意邀請您從11月7號開始, 每逢星期天參與我們位於 牛車水(NZX) @ Ara Damansara 的時尚市場. 一個充滿時尚氣息, 創意無限的市場, 必定是您星期天的好出去! 別再遲疑, 您的時尚品味都在Fleazy.
There will be Music Showcase by Artistes - Yise Loo 罗忆诗, Vick Teo 張祖誠 and Bo Amir Iqram as well as International Viva Circus Troupe throughout the month of November. Prizes to be won hourly such as Ipod and digital camera during Lucky Draw.
Come and bring your friends and family along and make this a happening fashion bazaar place!!
別措施一個可以讓那您和您的家人一家同歡的 好去處, Fleazy @ 牛車水(NZX) Ara Damansara.
We have a big PROMOTION on that day. And only 1 day.
So don't miss it , it will have a lots RM5 , RM10 , RM15 , RM20 , RM25 , RM30.